• Tel (0040)723.347.375

  • E-mail office@terasis.ro

How sharp is your Business English?

For those of you who speak good English and want to improve their business English, Terasis Consult has developed a dedicated Training of English for Commercial and Business Communication.

Who can benefit from this training?

Either you are a business owner, manager in a multinational environment, specialist in foreign trade or engaged in multicultural projects, we provide you the most suitable tools to practice business English vocabulary and conversations. We guide you through business conversations and written commercial correspondence, by using a complete set of video and printed materials and live simulations of business cases.

At the end of this training :

  • you will feel confident in any business meeting and negotiation with your business partner
  • you will be able to support a business phone conversation by using the specific terms.
  • you will have extensive English vocabulary in the commercial, financial and banking, human resources, marketing and management domains
  • you will fluently correspond with your business partners, irrespective of their origin country
  • …and not at least, you will have spent two dynamic and innovative days

Your financial investment is 790 ron/pers (plus VAT).

For subscriptions of min 3 pers. from the same company, up to 15% discount from the published price is granted.

IMPORTANT! The above prices include a business training room equipped with professional materials (digital screen, projector, office materials, printed training materials), pastry, coffee and non-alcoholic light drinks.

We look forward to having you on board for this programme !

Should you need more information, please contact us at (0040)723.347.375 or by e-mail, at office@terasis.ro and visit www.terasis.ro.

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