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School of Entrepreneurship “Value for you” – discover the start-up financing si and how you can increase your business

The School of Entrepreneurship “Value for you” delivers a set of workshops and entrepreneurship trainings, with the support of case studies and teamwork; it allows you to develop the entrepreneurial skills in correlation with the national and international market opportunities.You will find how an idea develops in a Business Plan and how you can obtain the needed finance in the start-up stage. You will improve the business networking skills with the support of invitees from the entrepreneurial environment and identify the key success factors of entrepreneurship.

The proposed workshops and trainings target the following participants:

  • Entrepreneurs who want to apply for the business financing
  • Students who want to launch a business from the faculty years
  • Employees who want to run an entrepreneurial activity
  • Every people who intends to launch a business or access non-refundable financing sources

Workshop “Business Plan – the key of a successful financing”-7th of April, 17h-20:30h

The Business Plan is the starting point for any business and, at the same time, an effective tool to obtain non-refundable and private financing. Once the business increases, the Business Plan becomes a point of reference for any entrepreneur and a tool of business monitoring. This workshop intends to propose a complete Business Plan template, easy to use by any business man.

The main subjects approached are: the importance of the  Business Plan, the key elements of a Business Plan for a successful business, strategy and business objectives, marketing and company position on the market, budgeting. During the workshop, each participant will be able to work on its own Business Plan, by busing the template provided by the organiser.

Workshop “How to finance a start-up?”-14th of April, 17h-20:30h

When one starts a business, the budget needs can often overcome the self financing opportunities. However, the financing alternatives such as EU funding and state-owned support, as well as private financing are an important support for the start-ups.This workshop provides centralized information about financing sources for entrepreneurs, available on the Romanian market, with focus on the business eligibility and specific recommendations for your business financing.

During the workshop, you will find about the role of a financing in a start-up, the main non-refundable sources of financing for a start-up, the EU financing lines for entrepreneurs with description, business eligibility and also alternatives from private financing, such as business angels, venture risk capital, crowdfunding and investment funds for start-ups – how they work in Romania and at a global level.

Workshop “How to pitch your business for a private investment?” – 21st of April, 17h-20:30h

The entrepreneurs and the people who intend to launch a business can take part into an interactive workshop about private financing through business angels, investment funds and effective ways to access these sources. In this respect, the business presentation (pitch) to an investor, in a clear and concise manner, is the first step and the most important in attracting a financing.We will discuss about the investor’s interests in a business and about the requests that an entrepreneur should address to his investors.

The subjects are of a real interest for the workshop participants:the role of private financing (business angels and investment funds) for business, the stages of application for a private financing in business and the elements of an effective and successful business presentation (structure, content, styles of presentation).

Workshop “How to access non-refundable financing for entrepreneurs?”- 28th of April, 17h-20:30h

Do you have a business or you want to launch a start-up? Irrespective of the chosen industry, you will confront with an increased need of funding in order to launch the business. In 2016, you will benefit from a unique mix of non-refundable funds from EU and state-owned support.Since we want you to take informed decision, we would like to invite you to discover the most suitable financing for your business and the access to these funds.

The themes presented during the workshop give you access to information about non-refundable EU and state-owned financing, teach you how to select the right financing mix for your business, discuss valuable requests of eligibility for non-refundable financing, approach the stages of financing application and help you to clearly identify then financing objectives for your business in correlation with the Business Plan.

The participation fee for workshops is 100 lei/participant/workshop and includes access to the presentation, support materials and coffee break.

30% discount will be applied for students and retirees; for participation to min 2 workshops an additional 10% discount will be applied.

The training can be delivered in either the Romanian or English languages.

Trainings of entrepreneurship “Value for you”

During the 3 training modules dedicated to the entrepreneurship activity, you will be able to work with planning and monitoring tools such as Business Plan, Marketing Strategy and Budget, you will develop the leadership and emotional intelligence skills.

Modul I: How to develop your inner entrepreneur?(16 hours)

Modul II: Strategies for business development (16 hours)

Modul III: Leadership and emotional intelligence (16 hours)

The participation fee is 790 lei/participant/training and includes access to the presentation, suport materials and coffee breaks.

30% discount will be applied for students and retirees; for participation to min 2 workshops an additional 10% discount will be applied.

The participation to these trainings allows you to interact with successful entrepreneurs on the Romanian market, to teamwork with selected people who have similar business goals, to obtain feedback from professionals so that your business idea can be successful and, most of all, to be confident in your entrepreneurship and management skills.

Details about subscriptions at office@terasis.ro, tel 0723347375, www.terasis.ro.

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